Baterka Panasonic Photo Power Lítiová CR123A 3V (CR-123AL) 1BL

Baterka Panasonic Photo Power Lítiová CR123A 3V (CR-123AL) 1BL

Kód: {{ productModel }}
Výrobca: Panasonic
Kat. č.: W.23041
EAN: 5410853017097

Fotobatéria Panasonic má vďaka vysokej kapacite veľmi dlhú životnosť. Batéria CR123A je vybav..... celý popis

Externý sklad 
5,28 € s DPH 4,29 € bez DPH
  • Fotobatéria Panasonic má vďaka vysokej kapacite veľmi dlhú životnosť.
  • Batéria CR123A je vybavená modernou lítiovou technológiou.
  • Lítiové batérie od Panasonicu sú vhodné najmä pre ľahké zariadenia s vysokými nárokmi na energiu.
  • Batérie sú vhodné pre zrkadlovky, kompaktné fotoaparáty, baterky a rádiá.
  • CR123A je veľmi kvalitná batéria a možno ju používať v rozsahu teplôt -20 °C až +65 °C.
  • Batérie je možné skladovať až 10 rokov.

Technické špecifikácie

Názov IEC CR123A
dobíjacie č
Napätie 3 V
Jednotka spotreby 1 ks. pľuzgier
Priemer 17 mm
Výška 34,5 mm
Označenie výrobcu 123, 16340, 2/3A, CR123, CR17345, CR17355
Označenie modelu CR-123AL
technológie lítiová batéria
Panasonic photo batteries have been developed for high-performance devices such as photo equipment, measuring, consumption and backup systems. With their excellent capacity and low internal resistance, they quickly recharge e.g. flash units after triggering and enable fast response times for camera triggers.
  • Panasonic CR123A batteries provide stable power and are the reliable energy supplier for all home and household applications
  • Perfectly suited for devices that require high long-term capacity, e.g. smoke detectors or other alarm systems, measuring devices, digital cameras and torches
  • The lithium batteries are resistant to heat and cold and remain stable in all temperature conditions from -40 to +70 °C
  • Ready for long-term use: Unused and packaged, the photo batteries have a shelf life of up to 10 years
  • The batteries have a very low self-discharge rate and lose less than 1 % charge per year when stored at room temperature
  • No passivation and therefore highly corrosion-resistant for long-lasting functionality
  • Mercury and cadmium-free

Technical specifications

Voltage3 V
Diameter17 mm
Height34.5 mm
Manufacturer designation123, 16340, 2/3A, CR123, CR17345, CR17355
Model designationCR-123AL
Technologylithium battery
Consumption Unit1 pc. in blister
Operation manualen, de
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