CONI montážny kryt, dlhý, 387 x 151 x 59mm, oceľ, antracitový

CONI montážny kryt, dlhý, 387 x 151 x 59mm, oceľ, antracitový

Kód: {{ productModel }}
Výrobca: Bachmann
Kat. č.: 338.0206
EAN: 4016514018871

Integrated into the furniture Minimal mounting depth, robust design Closed with cables p..... celý popis

Na objednávku 
224,50 € s DPH 182,52 € bez DPH
  • Integrated into the furniture
  • Minimal mounting depth, robust design
  • Closed with cables plugged in
  • Power strip can be changed quickly

CONI brings flexibility to the work surface as it enables free, individual access to power. CONI's minimal mounting depth provides sufficient space, even if installed near the edge. A wide range of standard surfaces also ensures design freedom.

When closed, the surface of the furniture and CONI produce an even surface. If power or data connections are needed, CONI can be opened, the desired plugs plugged in and CONI is then closed again. The integrated brush insert prevents the cables from jamming.

With CONI, you are free to decide how the sockets are configured because the power strip can be quickly replaced without any tools. Integrated functionality and flexibility not just for today, but also for the developments of tomorrow.

CONI prináša flexibilitu pracovnej plochy, pretože CONI umožňuje voľný, individuálny prístup k napájaniu.
Vďaka minimálnej montážnej hĺbke poskytuje CONI dostatok priestoru aj pri inštalácii blízko okraja.
Kreatívnu slobodu zaisťujú aj rôzne štandardné povrchové úpravy.
Po zatvorení tvoria povrch nábytku a CONI rovnú plochu. Ak spojenia
sú potrebné, možno CONI otvoriť, zasunúť požadované zátky a potom znova zatvoriť
. Káble nie sú upnuté vďaka integrovanej kefovej vložke.
Konfiguráciu zásuviek je možné ľubovoľne zvoliť pomocou CONI, ako príslušnej zásuvkovej jednotky
možno rýchlo a bez náradia vymeniť.



produktovú skupinu napájacie lišty
typ produktu vstavané spojovacie panely CONI
Farba čierna
Regionálne použitie Bez obmedzenia
Výška 59 mm
šírka 387 mm
hĺbka 151 mm
Hmotnosť 1576 g
výška balenia 120 mm
šírka balenia 220 mm
hĺbka balenia 460 mm
hmotnosť balíka 1 578 kg
  • Integrated into the furniture
  • Minimal mounting depth, robust design
  • Closed with cables plugged in
  • Power strip can be changed quickly

CONI brings flexibility to the work surface as it enables free, individual access to power. CONI's minimal mounting depth provides sufficient space, even if installed near the edge. A wide range of standard surfaces also ensures design freedom.

When closed, the surface of the furniture and CONI produce an even surface. If power or data connections are needed, CONI can be opened, the desired plugs plugged in and CONI is then closed again. The integrated brush insert prevents the cables from jamming.

With CONI, you are free to decide how the sockets are configured because the power strip can be quickly replaced without any tools. Integrated functionality and flexibility not just for today, but also for the developments of tomorrow.

CONI brings flexibility to the work surface, as CONI enables free, individual access to power.
Thanks to its minimal installation depth, CONI provides enough space, even when installed close to the edge.
Various standard surface designs also ensure creative freedom.
When closed, the furniture surface and CONI form a flat surface. If connections
are required, CONI can be opened, the desired plugs inserted and then closed again
. The cables are not clamped thanks to the integrated brush insert.
The configuration of the sockets can be freely selected with CONI, as the respective socket unit
can be replaced quickly and without tools.



product grouppower strips
product typebuilt-in connection panels CONI
Regional UseWithout restriction
Height59 mm
Width387 mm
depth151 mm
Weight1576 g
packaging height120 mm
packaging width220 mm
packaging depth460 mm
package weight1,578 kg
Design prípojného miesta / Rada produktov
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