Kábel Mini SAS (SFF8087) na 4x SATA, Crossover, forward breakout, OCF, 1m
Kábel SAS, Mini SAS SFF8087 (36pin) na 4x SATA, priradenie "Crossover" (dopredu, OCF), 75 cm, na pripojenie diskov ..... celý popis
Kábel SAS, Mini SAS SFF8087 (36pin) na 4x SATA, priradenie "Crossover" (dopredu, OCF), 75 cm, na pripojenie diskov alebo backplanov k radiču s konektorom SFF8087. Dôležitá poznámka: Dbajte na priradenie tohto kábla! V závislosti od okolností na existujúcom zariadení potrebujete namiesto toho káble 27620 alebo 27620A s "priamym" zapojením 1:1 (reverzné, OCR). Informujte sa o tom vopred u príslušných výrobcov zariadení. Iba pri použití správneho priradenia sa vytvorí správne spojenie.
SAS cable, Mini SAS SFF8087 (36pin) to 4x SATA, "Crossover" assignment (forward, OCF), for connecting drives or backplanes to controller with SFF8087 connector.
Important Notice:
Please note the assignment of this cable! Depending on the circumstances at the existing equipment you need the cables 27620 or 27620A with "straight" 1:1 connection instead (reverse, OCR). Please inform yourself accordingly in advance with the respective equipment manufacturers. Only when using the correct assignment a proper connection is established.
Important Notice:
Please note the assignment of this cable! Depending on the circumstances at the existing equipment you need the cables 27620 or 27620A with "straight" 1:1 connection instead (reverse, OCR). Please inform yourself accordingly in advance with the respective equipment manufacturers. Only when using the correct assignment a proper connection is established.
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