Power Frame 1xUTE 230V, 2xCustom, nabíjačka (2xUSB A), 0.2m kábel 1.5mm², GST18, hliník/čierny
Power Frame 1xUTE 230V, 2xCustom, nabíjačka (2xUSB A), 0.2m kábel 1.5mm², GST18, hliník/čierny
Compact dimensions Suitable for subsequent assembly Timeless design Versatile i..... celý popis
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- Compact dimensions
- Suitable for subsequent assembly
- Timeless design
- Versatile in application
POWER FRAME is the compact solution for integrated and easily accessible power and data connections for workstations. Combining compact dimensions with high-quality timeless design, POWER FRAME opens up virtually unlimited application options that go far beyond the realm of office workstations. It is also perfect for sales showrooms and display windows, as well as trade fair and demonstration stands. In short, wherever secure and rapid connections are the order of the day.
Your chosen power strip simply plugs into the mounting frame from below without tools – a stroke of perfection. POWER FRAME is the ideal solution when you need compactness and efficiency.
Bachmann 916.0628 Power Frame 4-cestná zásuvková lišta s 1x zásuvkou 1x USB dvojitá nabíjačka 2x Custom Module (CM) bola špeciálne vyrobená pre 4-cestný inštalačný rám Bachmann Power Frame a veľmi jednoducho sa inštaluje.Power Frame, perfektný panel na pripojenie stola.
Bachmann 916.0628 POWER FRAME je kompaktné riešenie pre integrované a ľahko dostupnénapájanie a dátové pripojenie pracovných staníc. Buď na inštaláciu zo závodu alebo na následnú inštaláciu.
Pásik so zásuvkami 1x zásuvka 1x USB dvojitá nabíjačka 2x vlastný modul (CM)
Kompaktné rozmery v kombinácii s kvalitným nadčasovým dizajnom otvárajúBachmann 916.0041POWER FRAME lišta dozásuvky 1x zásuvka 1x USB dvojitá nabíjačka 2x modul na mieru (CM) takmer neobmedzené možnosti použitia aj ďaleko za kancelárskym pracoviskom. Napríklad v predajných miestnostiach a výkladoch, na veľtrhoch a na predvádzacích stánkoch. Skrátka – všade tam, kde je dôležité bezpečné a rýchle pripojenie.
Skutočnosť, že vybraná rozvodnálišta Bachmann 916.0628 sa jednoducho bez náradiazasunie do inštalačného rámu, ju robí perfektnou. BachmannPOWER FRAME , kedy by riešenie malo byť kompaktnejšie a efektívnejšie.
Technické detaily Bachmann 916.0628 Power Frame 4-cestná zásuvka
- Dĺžka: cca 261,9 mm
- Eloxovaný hliníkový profil
- 1x bezpečnostná zásuvka s detskou poistkou, čierna, otočená o 35°
- 1x USB dvojitá nabíjačka (5,2 V / 2,15 A) pre nabíjanie napr. smartfónov, tabletov
- 2x vlastné moduly (CM)
- Príkon: 0,1 m kábel a zástrčka GST18i3
Hodí sa vaša rozvodka Bachmann 916.0628 Power Frame?
Radi skontrolujeme, či je váš produkt Bachmann 916.0628 vhodný pre vašu aplikáciu. Jednoducho nám pošlite svoj model (výrobca + číslo modelu) do poľa komentára na konci procesu objednávky. Následne za Vás skontrolujeme, či zásuvková lišta Bachmann úplne sedí a ak nie, budeme Vás kontaktovať.
- Compact dimensions
- Suitable for subsequent assembly
- Timeless design
- Versatile in application
POWER FRAME is the compact solution for integrated and easily accessible power and data connections for workstations. Combining compact dimensions with high-quality timeless design, POWER FRAME opens up virtually unlimited application options that go far beyond the realm of office workstations. It is also perfect for sales showrooms and display windows, as well as trade fair and demonstration stands. In short, wherever secure and rapid connections are the order of the day.
Your chosen power strip simply plugs into the mounting frame from below without tools – a stroke of perfection. POWER FRAME is the ideal solution when you need compactness and efficiency.
The Bachmann 916.0628 Power Frame 4-way socket strip with 1x socket 1x USB double charger 2x Custom Module (CM) has been specially built for the Bachmann Power Frame 4-way installation frame and is very easy to install. Power Frame, the perfect desk connection panel.
Bachmann 916.0628 POWER FRAME is the compact solution for the integrated and easily accessible power and data connection of workstations. Either for installation ex works or for subsequent installation.
Socket strip 1x socket 1x USB double charger 2x custom module (CM)
Compact dimensions in combination with high-quality, timeless design open up Bachmann 916.0041POWER FRAME socket strip 1x socket 1x USB double charger 2x custom module (CM) almost limitless application possibilities, even far beyond the office workplace. For example in sales rooms and shop windows, at trade fairs and at demo stands. In short - wherever secure and fast connections are important.
The fact that the selected Bachmann 916.0628 power strip is simply plugged into the installation frame from below without tools makes it perfect. Bachmann POWER FRAME , when the solution should be more compact and efficient.
Technical details Bachmann 916.0628 Power Frame 4-way socket
- Length: approx 261.9 mm
- Anodized aluminum profile
- 1x safety socket with child protection, black, turned 35 °
- 1x USB double charger (5.2 V / 2.15 A) for charging e.g. smartphones, tablets
- 2x custom modules (CM)
- Power input: 0.1 m cable and GST18i3 plug
Does your Bachmann 916.0628 Power Frame power strip fit?
We would be happy to check whether your Bachmann 916.0628 product is suitable for your application. Simply send us your model (manufacturer + model no.) In the comment field at the end of the ordering process. We will then check for you whether the Bachmann socket strip fits completely and if not, we will contact you.
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