Power Frame rámik 4 pozície, 284 x 73 x 36mm, oceľ, čierny

Power Frame rámik 4 pozície, 284 x 73 x 36mm, oceľ, čierny

Kód: {{ productModel }}
Výrobca: Bachmann
Kat. č.: 915.004
EAN: 4016514063765

Compact dimensions Suitable for subsequent assembly Timeless design Versatile i..... celý popis

1 ks na sklade
64,99 € s DPH 52,84 € bez DPH
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  • Compact dimensions
  • Suitable for subsequent assembly
  • Timeless design
  • Versatile in application

POWER FRAME is the compact solution for integrated and easily accessible power and data connections for workstations. Combining compact dimensions with high-quality timeless design, POWER FRAME opens up virtually unlimited application options that go far beyond the realm of office workstations. It is also perfect for sales showrooms and display windows, as well as trade fair and demonstration stands. In short, wherever secure and rapid connections are the order of the day.

Your chosen power strip simply plugs into the mounting frame from below without tools – a stroke of perfection. POWER FRAME is the ideal solution when you need compactness and efficiency.

Bachmann Power Frame Built in frame long, black (915.004) je kompaktné riešenie pre integrované a ľahko dostupné napájacie a dátové pripojenia pre pracovné stanice.

Bachmann Power Frame Vstavaný rám dlhý, čierny 915.004

Bachmann   POWER FRAME je kompaktné riešenie pre integrované a ľahko dostupné napájacie a dátové pripojenia pre pracovné stanice. Môžu byť inštalované ako nové alebo dodané ako zariadenie na dodatočnú montáž.

Kombinácia kompaktných rozmerov s kvalitným nadčasovým dizajnom,  Bachmann   POWER FRAME otvára prakticky neobmedzené možnosti aplikácií, ktoré siahajú ďaleko za oblasť kancelárskych pracovných staníc. Sortiment možno využiť napríklad v predajných showroomoch a výkladných skriniach, na výstavách a predvádzacích stánkoch – skrátka všade tam, kde sú bezpečné a rýchle spojenia na dennom poriadku.

Okrem toho sa vybraný predlžovací kábel jednoducho zasunie do vstavaného rámu zospodu bez potreby akéhokoľvek náradia – sú veci lepšie ako toto?

Kľúčové vlastnosti Bachmann Power Frame Vstavaný rám dlhý, čierny 915004:

  • Vstavaná hĺbka: cca. 35,5 mm
  • Vstavaná hĺbka (s drôtmi): cca. 70 mm
  • pre hrúbku stola alebo dosky stola: min. 10 mm
  • vonkajšie rozmery: 283,5 x 73 mm
  • uľahčuje zapustenú montáž do alebo na vrch stolov alebo stolov
  • povrchová úprava: čierna RAL 9005

Výhody Bachmann Power Frame Vstavaný rám dlhý, čierny 915-004:

  • POWER FRAME pre kompaktnejšie a efektívnejšie riešenie.
  • Kompaktné rozmery
  • Vhodné na dovybavenie
  • Nadčasový dizajn
  • Všestranné v aplikácii
  • Rýchla inštalácia kompletných rozvodiek
  • Compact dimensions
  • Suitable for subsequent assembly
  • Timeless design
  • Versatile in application

POWER FRAME is the compact solution for integrated and easily accessible power and data connections for workstations. Combining compact dimensions with high-quality timeless design, POWER FRAME opens up virtually unlimited application options that go far beyond the realm of office workstations. It is also perfect for sales showrooms and display windows, as well as trade fair and demonstration stands. In short, wherever secure and rapid connections are the order of the day.

Your chosen power strip simply plugs into the mounting frame from below without tools – a stroke of perfection. POWER FRAME is the ideal solution when you need compactness and efficiency.

The Bachmann Power Frame Built in frame long, black (915.004) is the compact solution for integrated and easily accessible power and data connections for workstations.

Bachmann Power Frame Built in frame long, black 915.004

Bachmann POWER FRAME is the compact solution for integrated and easily accessible power and data connections for workstations. They can either be installed as new or supplied as equipment for retrofitting.

Combining compact dimensions with high-quality timeless design, Bachmann POWER FRAME is opening up virtually unlimited application options even going far beyond the realm of office workstations. The range can be used for example in sales showrooms and display windows, at exhibitions and on demonstration stands – in short, wherever secure and rapid connections are the order of the day.

Furthermore, the selected power strip simply plugs into the built-in frame from below without the need for any tools – do things get any better than this?

Key Features Bachmann Power Frame Built in frame long, black 915004:

  • Built-in depth: approx. 35,5 mm
  • Built-in depth (with wires) : approx. 70 mm
  • for desk or table top thickness: min. 10 mm
  • outer dimensions: 283,5 x 73 mm
  • facilitates flush mounting in or on the top of desks or tables
  • finish: black RAL 9005

Advantages Bachmann Power Frame Built in frame long, black 915-004:

  • POWER FRAME, for a more compact and more efficient solution.
  • Compact dimensions
  • Suitable for retrofitting
  • Timeless design
  • Versatile in application
  • Rapid installation of complete power strips
Design prípojného miesta / Rada produktov
Typ produktu
Počet custom modulov
Farba / Materiál
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