Power Frame 1xUTE 230V, 2xCustom, 0.2m kábel 1.5mm², GST18, čierny

Power Frame 1xUTE 230V, 2xCustom, 0.2m kábel 1.5mm², GST18, čierny

Kód: {{ productModel }}
Výrobca: Bachmann
Kat. č.: 916.063
EAN: 4016514041954

Compact dimensions Suitable for subsequent assembly Timeless design Versatile i..... celý popis

Na objednávku 
76,96 € s DPH 62,57 € bez DPH
  • Compact dimensions
  • Suitable for subsequent assembly
  • Timeless design
  • Versatile in application

POWER FRAME is the compact solution for integrated and easily accessible power and data connections for workstations. Combining compact dimensions with high-quality timeless design, POWER FRAME opens up virtually unlimited application options that go far beyond the realm of office workstations. It is also perfect for sales showrooms and display windows, as well as trade fair and demonstration stands. In short, wherever secure and rapid connections are the order of the day.

Your chosen power strip simply plugs into the mounting frame from below without tools – a stroke of perfection. POWER FRAME is the ideal solution when you need compactness and efficiency.

Napájacia lišta POWER FRAME 1xUTE/Francúzsko čierna, 2xCustom moduly prázdne v čiernom plastovom profile (univerzálne), príkon: GST18

Verzia UTE - Vhodné pre Francúzsko, Českú republiku, Slovensko


produktovú skupinu elektrické rozvodky
typ produktu vstavané spojovacie panely POWER FRAME
Farba čierna
počet zásuviek 1
môže písať Ochranný kontakt UTE, CEE 7/5, Typ-E
Regionálne použitie Francúzsko, Česko, Slovensko
Výška 0,04 m
šírka 0,07 m
hĺbka 0,22 m
Hmotnosť 0,3 kg
výška balenia 80 mm
šírka balenia 80 mm
hĺbka balenia 320 mm
hmotnosť balíka 0,31 kg
  • Compact dimensions
  • Suitable for subsequent assembly
  • Timeless design
  • Versatile in application

POWER FRAME is the compact solution for integrated and easily accessible power and data connections for workstations. Combining compact dimensions with high-quality timeless design, POWER FRAME opens up virtually unlimited application options that go far beyond the realm of office workstations. It is also perfect for sales showrooms and display windows, as well as trade fair and demonstration stands. In short, wherever secure and rapid connections are the order of the day.

Your chosen power strip simply plugs into the mounting frame from below without tools – a stroke of perfection. POWER FRAME is the ideal solution when you need compactness and efficiency.

POWER FRAME power strip 1xUTE/France black, 2xCustom modules empty in black plastic profile (universal), power input: GST18

UTE Version - Suitable for France, Czech Republic, Slovakia


product grouppower strips
product typebuilt-in connection panels POWER FRAME
number of sockets1
can typeUTE protective contact, CEE 7/5, Type-E
Regional UseFrance, Czech Republic, Slovakia
Height0.04 m
Width0.07 m
depth0.22 m
Weight0.3 kg
packaging height80 mm
packaging width80 mm
packaging depth320 mm
package weight0.31 kg
Design prípojného miesta / Rada produktov
Typ produktu
Hlavný modul
Zásuvková norma
UTE (Slovenská norma)
Počet zásuviek
1 zásuvka
Počet custom modulov
2 Custom moduly
Farba / Materiál
všetky parametre
Prečo my
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