Power Frame 2xUTE 230V, 4xCustom, 0.2m kábel 1.5mm², GST18, čierny
Power Frame 2xUTE 230V, 4xCustom, 0.2m kábel 1.5mm², GST18, čierny
Compact dimensions Suitable for subsequent assembly Timeless design Versatile i..... celý popis
- Compact dimensions
- Suitable for subsequent assembly
- Timeless design
- Versatile in application
POWER FRAME is the compact solution for integrated and easily accessible power and data connections for workstations. Combining compact dimensions with high-quality timeless design, POWER FRAME opens up virtually unlimited application options that go far beyond the realm of office workstations. It is also perfect for sales showrooms and display windows, as well as trade fair and demonstration stands. In short, wherever secure and rapid connections are the order of the day.
Your chosen power strip simply plugs into the mounting frame from below without tools – a stroke of perfection. POWER FRAME is the ideal solution when you need compactness and efficiency.
Bachmann Power Frame Power Stips 6-cestná, 2x napájacia zásuvka 4x Custom Modul (916.025) je ideálny pre krátke rámy Bachmann Power Frame Build in Frames.Bachmann Power Frame Powerstrips 6-cestný 2x zásuvka 4x Custom Modul 916.025
Bachmann POWER FRAME je kompaktné riešenie pre integrované a ľahko dostupné napájacie a dátové pripojenia pre pracovné stanice. Môžu byť namontované vo výrobe alebo dodané na dodatočnú montáž.
Kombináciou kompaktných rozmerov s kvalitným nadčasovým dizajnom otvára Bachmann POWER FRAME prakticky neobmedzené možnosti aplikácií, ktoré ďaleko presahujú oblasť kancelárskych pracovných staníc. Ako napríklad v predajných showroomoch a výkladných skriniach a na veľtrhoch a predvádzacích stánkoch. Skrátka všade tam, kde sú bezpečné a rýchle spojenia na dennom poriadku.
Vami vybraný predlžovací kábel sa jednoducho zasunie zospodu do vstavaného rámu bez použitia náradia - dokonalosť. Bachmann POWER FRAME - pre kompaktnejšie a efektívnejšie riešenie.
Kľúčové vlastnosti Bachmann Power Frame Power Strips 6-cestný 2x napájacia zásuvka 4x Custom Modul 916.025
- Dĺžka: cca. 350 mm
- Eloxovaný hliníkový profil
- čierne zásuvky
- 2x zásuvka, nastavená na 35°
- 4x vlastný modul
- Príkon: 0,1 m, H05VV-F 3G 1,50 mm2 čierna, so zástrčkou Wieland GST18i3
- Compact dimensions
- Suitable for subsequent assembly
- Timeless design
- Versatile in application
POWER FRAME is the compact solution for integrated and easily accessible power and data connections for workstations. Combining compact dimensions with high-quality timeless design, POWER FRAME opens up virtually unlimited application options that go far beyond the realm of office workstations. It is also perfect for sales showrooms and display windows, as well as trade fair and demonstration stands. In short, wherever secure and rapid connections are the order of the day.
Your chosen power strip simply plugs into the mounting frame from below without tools – a stroke of perfection. POWER FRAME is the ideal solution when you need compactness and efficiency.
The Bachmann Power Frame Power Stips 6-way 2x power socket 4x Custom Modul (916.025) is perfect for the Bachmann Power Frame Build in Frames short.Bachmann Power Frame Powerstrips 6-way 2x power socket 4x Custom Modul 916.025
Bachmann POWER FRAME is the compact solution for integrated and easily accessible power and data connections for workstations. They can be either factory fitted or supplied for retrofitting.
Combining compact dimensions with high-quality timeless design, Bachmann POWER FRAME opens up virtually unlimited application options that go far beyond the realm of office workstations. Such as in sales showrooms and display windows and at trade fair and demonstration stands. In short, wherever secure and rapid connections are the order of the day.
Your chosen power strip simply plugs into the built-in frame from below without tools - a stroke of perfection. Bachmann POWER FRAME - for a more compact and more efficient solution.
Key features Bachmann Power Frame Power Strips 6-way 2x power socket 4x Custom Modul 916.025
- Length: approx. 350mm
- Anodised aluminium profile
- black socket outlets
- 2x socket outlets, set at 35°
- 4x custom module
- Power input: 0.1 m, H05VV-F 3G 1.50 mm² black, with Wieland GST18i3 plug
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